Montag, 13. August 2012

BSS Basque Country trip 08/2012

Just arrived,Cloudy weather,perfect to... the first spot:
Bs Slasher-Edgar

Second Day/Skatepark Plentzia
Axel did a Layback to fakie


Celebrating the arrival and the first few stops in basque country with 
a great "dinner"

The mekka of european skateboarding...
magic place
Lien to Tail-Egar

Our Roadking s named Fiat Panda!

Sweeper -Axel

Fs Disaster-Spitz

A beast of a pool ,also in Leioa
Bs Smith-Edgar

Master of Reality!
at a bbq in Sondika

Gravejard in Sondika

Bs Carvegrind-Edgar

Found a Wallride spot in Barakaldo,
Axel did the "Deathbox"

Texas time in Gernika

Fs Concussion Smith by Axel 
An indescribeabel Masterwork of DIY -Heros
In San Sebastian 
The Kampsa II Bowl
The most awesome DIY ,i ve ever seen!

Lien to Tail on the extension-edgar

Handplant Transfer into the bank -Axel

Beautiful beach and coast in somo near Santander.

Spitz did the oververt Wave


Midnight mood in basque country 
Magical Place!

2 weeks are to short!
leavin to good old germany

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